Welcome to The Stumped, a website of writing + design by two brothers. Pick something - and get reading.
Author's Note: The story below takes place entirely within the text chat box for a 2004 (but still ongoing) video game: World of Warcraft. I played the game from 2004-2007, at times nearly professionally, and invested a lot of emotional energy into it. Some of the characters and interactions below are based on my experiences; some of the characters and interactions are entirely fictional. There will undoubtedly be game-specific slang which you do not understand - that is intentional. Think of it like a puzzle. Also, I've embedded a video at the beginning of each "Act" in order to help you better visualize the action of the game and what is going on during that specific encounter. Though, those may only further baffle you, now that I think about it.
[10:11] [Raid] [You]: Buff up. We’re going again in 5. Brother, make sure to check group 6 this time. Don’t forget to decurse.
[10:11] [Raid] [Sybe]: unlike most of you some of us have little fucking interest in running this again. it isnt our first time. this boss is trash. lets finish up and move on.
[10:11] [Raid] [Sybe]: and stop standing on the goddamn explosions. thats basic shit.
[10:11] [Raid] [Brother]: Gotcha.
[10:11] [Raid] [Deathp]: who needs buffs?
[10:12] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: can’t believe we’re doing this again. oh well. i want those robes so badly
[10:12] To [Kamonisaac]: So how bad was she?
[10:12] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: Don’t have to remind us.
[10:12] [Kamonisaac] whispers: fucking awful lawl
[10:12] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: aww aga i know you care ;)
[10:12] [Raid] [Fallson]: and don’t forget to pull your head out of my ass, Kamon. :]
[10:12] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: you love it up there baaabbbyyyy
[10:13] [Raid] [Shandry]: Anybody need a buff? :P Last call!!!!!
[10:13] To [Kamonisaac]: Siiiiiighhhhh. Could be worse ?
[10:13] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: int and stam on me plsss i missed them both
[10:13] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: >< your face when the robes don’t drop.
[10:13] [Raid] [Fallson]: /gasp!
[10:13] [Kamonisaac] whispers: nah. hah
[10:13] [Raid] [Tzu]: LFG anybody who gimme robes, lol
[10:13] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: aw fuck off
[10:13] [Raid] [Derangan]: DON’T EVEN TZU lol
[10:13] [Raid] [Tzu]: jk :P
[10:13] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: swear to god if Ham doesn’t tranquilizing shot this time I’m just going to lose it. Destro that fucking means you better be on him.
[10:13] [Officer Chat] [You]: He’ll be fine. He barely missed the last one. Besides, aga was dead before that.
[10:14] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: yeah well speaking of which, get on that Derangan. no slacking off. no AFK from Brother either.
[10:14] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: We could always reassess, see who’s out there. Website applications have been kind of quiet lately.
[10:14] To [Hamsandwich]: You ready to go this time Ham?
[10:14] [Raid] [Sybe]: maybe Hyerc, lets talk later on vent
[10:14] [Raid] [Brother]: Who’s still missing any buffs? Hmmm?
[10:14] [Raid] [Nimrod]: I need one from mages, pls
[10:14] [Hamsandwich] whispers: yeah sorry, i just had my macros off. my bad
[10:14] [Hamsandwich] whispers: im ready
[10:14] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: got it
[10:14] [Raid] [Fallson]: typical mages. That includes you Kildare – lol!
[10:14] To [Hamsandwich]: Okay, good.
[10:14] [Raid] [Kildare]: No more water for you. :)
[10:14] [Raid] [Fallson]: LOL not cool
[10:15] [Raid] [Sybe]: okay were ready. remember to get those debuffs SPEEDY and hunters hit those tranq shots.
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: Pulling in 5
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: 4
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: 3
[10:16] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: we got this
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: 2
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: 1
[10:16] [Raid] [Fallson]: thanks toe LOL
[10:16] [Raid] [Aga]: MAGMADAR INC
[10:17] [Kamonisaac] whispers: hold me
[10:17] To [Kamonisaac]: haha, only after
[10:17] [Raid] [Sybe]: good set up. ALL RANGE CHECK YOUR FUCKING SPOTS. move from fire, well be fine.
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [You]: TRANQ SHOT MISSED HAM YOU’RE UP
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [You]: TRANQ SHOT MISSED HAM YOU’RE UP
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [You]: TRANQ SHOT MISSED HAM YOU’RE UP
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: TRANQ SHOT HIT TERROOT YOU’RE NEXT
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [Destromath]: Good shit root you’re next.
[10:17] [Hunter Chat] [Terroot]: K
[10:18] [Raid] [Sybe]: good movement rogues keep on the back left heel. healers don’t focus on idiots standing in fire.
[10:18] [Raid] [Fallson]: got it boss. don’t forget to stabstabstabstab :0 lol
[10:18] [Raid] [Kildare]: Decurse group 6 please.
[10:18] [Raid] Sybe]: destro you had me worried but these are getting picked up quicker, nj
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [Terroot]: TRANQ SHOT MISSED Camdaheat YOU’RE UP
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [Terroot]: TRANQ SHOT MISSED Camdaheat YOU’RE UP
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: TRANQ SHOT HIT DESTRO YOU’RE UP
[10:19] [Raid] [Aga]: oops missed that dance, next time gimme fear ward brother
[10:19] [Raid] [Brother]: K
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [You]: TRANQ SHOT HIT HAM YOU’RE NEXT
[10:19] [Raid] [Larr]: Fire on both left and right rocks, move.
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [You]: No problem ham you’re next.
[10:19] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Don’t forget to get maximum range. Don’t take any fire damage.
[10:19] [Raid] [Shandry]: PLS get out of fire people! Jesus we CANT heal it all!!!!!!
[10:20] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: what the fuck does Shandry spend half her time doing?
[10:20] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: CHRIST just standing there mashing healing light with no mana
[10:20] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: TRANQ SHOT HIT TERROOT YOU’RE NEXT
[10:20] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Vos, move slightly left
[10:20] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: i didn’t invite her lol
[10:20] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: we need priests though. she’s better than not having anybody.
[10:20] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Switch me to group 1 Larr’s pet died and aga needs buff
[10:20] [Raid] [You]: I got it.
[10:20] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Ok
[10:20] [Raid] [Sybe]: good tranq shot rotations so far. keep healing up on aga were almost done.
[10:21] [Hunter Chat] [Terroot]: TRANQ SHOT HIT Camdaheat YOU’RE NEXT
[10:21] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: robes robes robes robes robes robes pleeeeaseeeee
[10:21] [Officer Chat] [You]: A lady can dream. PS Ham did fine, please thanks K.
[10:21] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: if i don’t get the pants now then they’ll never drop
[10:21] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Quite disappointing stuff from the warriors on that one. Vos wasn’t even top 10 in the DPS charts. Perhaps we should look into talking to him after raid?
[10:21] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Decurse pls. Almost dead.
[10:21] [Raid] [Derangan]: PANTS PLLEEEEEASSSSEEEEE
Magmadar has died.
[10:21] [Raid] [You]: GG
[10:21] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: niiiiice.
[10:21] [Raid] [Awolfscry]: ggs all
[10:21] [Raid] [Sybe]: res the dead and lets get along with it. pass on the drops and lets auction some stuff off.
[10:21] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: NJ guys, all around.
[10:21] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Nimro, what do you think of talking to Vos?
[10:21] [Raid] [Kildare]: Good job.
[10:21] [Raid] [Terroot]: GG super old boss, lol
[10:21] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: Res please
[10:22] [Raid] [Hyerc]: Not too shabby. Staff is nice. Terrible rogue loot, though.
[10:22] [Raid] [Brother]: NJ everybody. Buffs incoming.
[10:22] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: Ill think about it. Ill talk to aga after the raid is over. Not worried about it ATM lets just keep this going
[10:22] [Raid] [Derangan]: WHAT NO PANTS FUCK
[10:22] [Raid] [Larr]: That is a fantastic staff.
[10:22] [Raid] [Melisandre]: gg that staff is really great.
[10:22] [Raid] [Fallson]: ahh just spent all my DKP. that’s karma for you LOL
[10:22] [Raid] [Derangan]: fucking molten core. i’d rather run scholomance 1000000 times and pray for better drops
[10:22] [Raid] [Aga]: ><</span>
[10:22] [Raid] [Sybe]: auctions upcoming so check your DKP now if you need to. we’ll do the staff first.
[10:22] [Raid] [Sybe]: send me bids for the staff...
[10:23] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: theres no justice in this damn game
[10:23] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Probably not, but don’t pretend that staff isn’t incredible. You’d have to farm Scholo a lot more than that to get a crack at a better one.
[10:23] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: BRB quick AFK
[10:23] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Good job guys. Ham, good stuff picking up those tranq shots when you had to. Root you going for the pants?
[10:23] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: guys, its just Shandry on this staff. is this for real? fuck
[10:23] [Hunter Chat] [Terroot]: Yeah you guys all have them, don’t you?
[10:23] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Yeah.
[10:23] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: Is Shandry REALLY going to win this staff right now? LIKE REALLY?
[10:23] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: yeahp
[10:23] [Raid] [Melisandre]: Mages please rebuff group 7.
[10:24] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: everybody is ressed.
[10:24] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: An awful shame. Feel like invoking some kind of executive order, Mr. Dictator?
[10:24] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: nah fuck it. Shandry it is. goddamn staff might get her off her ass anyway
[10:24] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: anybody ever notice how small this ceiling is though for real?
[10:24] [Raid] [Sybe]: Shandry wins with a bid of 150. moving on to the hunter pants. anybody but root need those?
[10:24] [Raid] [Brother]: ahh Toe – Don’t change :)
[10:25] [Raid] [You]: Nah go ahead.
[10:25] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: lol
[10:25] [Raid] [Sybe]: okay – congrats camda on those pants. nj guys on finishing that bullshit. lets get it moving now
[10:25] [Kamonisaac] whispers: hey did you do your calc tonight? wanna trade even answers or something?
[10:25] [Raid] [Fallson]: momma always told me boy, count yo blessins LOL congrats Shandry
[10:25] To [Kamonisaac]: yeah man done a few hours ago. just the odds tonight. You didn’t do it?
[10:25] [Kamonisaac] whispers: nah not yet lol might not
[10:25] To [Kamonisaac]: All right well you never hit up ken, lol. Just kidding. I’ll give you mine.
[10:25] [Raid] [Brother]: Congrats Shandry.
[10:25] [Raid] [Melisandre]: Great staff – grats!
[10:25] [Raid] [Fralaak]: grats Shandry!!
[10:25] [Raid] [Shandry]: Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!
[10:25] [Kamonisaac] whispers: thanks man
[10:25] [Raid] [Larr]: Grats Shandry.
[10:25] To [Kamonisaac]: NP
[10:25] To [Kamonisaac]: Going AFK to get my book because it’s downstairs.
[10:25] [Kamonisaac] whispers: sweet thanks
[10:25] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: well this night officially blows. at least we got a shot at golemagg at this rate.
[10:25] [Officer Chat] [Cyberlliae]: dont count on it, but our pace is good so far. lets see what happens on Gs and Baron etc.
[10:26] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: Back.
[10:26] [Raid] [Mikel]: Don’t run that way Foxxy :(
[10:26] [Officer Chat] [You]: Pulling in a few. Quick AFK until then.
[10:26] [Raid] [Larr]: She can forget sometimes, just on autorun.
[10:26] [Raid] [Fallson]: LOL look at her go for a quick dip, LOL
[10:26] [Raid] [Foxglove]: ahhhh damn this autorun! burned again, lol
[10:26] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Make sure we’re rebuffed first. Also, Derangan – some people say it isn’t the pants that make the man but rather what’s INSIDE the pants. ;]
[10:26] [Raid] [Brother]: Don’t worry Fox - ressing
[10:27] [Raid] [Sybe]: okay REBUFF and lets get moving. Majordomo is the goal.
[8:30] [Raid] [Sybe]: fucking FINALLY here we go, GGs all
Razorgore the Untamed has died.
[8:30] [Raid] [Brother]: GGS ALL GGS
[8:30] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Yes, YES great job!!!
[8:30] [Raid] [Vos]: man yes GG
[8:30] [Raid] [Mikel]: nicce
[8:30] [Raid] [You]: GG people
[8:30] [Fallson] yells: GG SIT DOWN YOU BASTARD LOL
[8:30] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: GFG
[8:30] [Raid] [Perseus]: well it only took a month. feels good though, NJ all
[8:30] [Raid] [Artenemiss]: Much better, nice work all
[8:30] [Raid] [Sybe]: check your DKP now. we got 2 [Bloodfang Bracers] and [The Untamed Blade]
[8:30] [Raid] [Deathp]: nice job :)
[8:30] [Raid] [Larr]: Great job everybody.
[8:30] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Send all bids to me for [Bloodfang Bracers] right now. highest 2 get them.
[8:30] [Raid] [Kildare]: I’ll take all the credit for that last second silence, thanks :)
[8:30] [Raid] [Robert]: Kiting was muuuch better there all. ggs
[8:30] [Raid] [Derangan]: all 0 of you MS warriors out there get ready to go crazy, r o f l
[8:30] [Raid] [Vos]: WTB DPS warriors in raid. that sword is badass
[8:30] [Raid] [Fallson]: LOL kildare you crazy bastard
[8:30] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: wonder who is gonna get 1 of those bracers Sybe, lol
[8:30] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Nice kiting, folks.
[8:30] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: no idea what you’re suggesting dera. id win those bracers no matter what lol
[8:30] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Oh Sybe, I wouldn’t be so certain if I were you :)
[8:31] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: no bracers sucks. was going for my set bonus, too. next time maybe
[8:31] [Raid] [Shandry]: Msg for res, we’re trying to get everybody up.
[8:31] [Hunter Chat] [Artenemiss]: They are pretty nice. And they already look great on meeeee :0 teehee
[8:31] [Officer Chat] [You] Who’s going to do the setup for Vael?
[8:31] [Raid] [Aga]: could I get a res, pleaseee?
[8:31] [Raid] [Brother]: Got you aga
[8:31] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: I believe Dera and Sybe are doing this one, Destro. Apparently the Death and Taxes video is quite good.
[8:31] [Raid] [Aga]: thanks :P
[8:31] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: yeah destro we got this one on vent
[8:31] [Raid] [Foxglove]: thems some nice bracers, lol, who’s going to pay up?
[8:32] To [Kamonisaac]: Why aren’t you on vent?
[8:32] [Raid] [Mikel]: ><
[8:32] [Raid] [Kildare]: I reckon I have a guess, heh.
[8:32] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Send final bids to me, closing soon.
[8:32] [Kamonisaac] whispers: talking to myn real quick
[8:32] To [Kamonisaac]: Duude, come on man.
[8:32] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: Sybe i’ll run through basics you just give input, all right
[8:32] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: not sure if well have enough tanks. gotta prep vos quick
[8:32] [Raid] [Nimrod]: All right bids are in. mikel with the huge bid of 150 gets them, and Hyerc with second bid of 125. Congrats to both.
[8:32] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: chill Sybe lol
[8:32] [Raid] [Deathp]: Congrats all!
[8:32] [Raid] [Foxglove]: congrats guys, deserved for sure
[8:32] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: Grats to all!
[8:32] [Kamonisaac] whispers: brosif you know how she gets wont be long dude
[8:32] [Raid] [Mikel]: :DDDDDDDDD thanks guys
[8:32] [Raid] [Fallson]: lets pvp later i wont heal you LOL gratssss
[8:32] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: yes fucking RICH that mikel gets something JESUS MAYBE WELL SEE HIM ON THE DAMAGE CHARTS SOON fuck this
[8:32] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Much better job kiting Ham. ggs all
[8:32] [Raid] [Nimrod]: And also with a bid of 100 its deathp for [The Untamed Blade]
[8:33] [Raid] [Vos]: zommmggg DPS pally lol, i love it grats man
[8:33] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: represent congrats deathp
[8:33] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: tks
[8:33] [Officer Chat] [You]: Sybe it’s cool. Don’t you remember warrior chest like a week ago? No justice, ha
[8:33] [Hunter Chat] [Artenemiss]: Ya it was muuch smoother overall. Good job.
[8:33] [Raid] [Brother]: Nice bid Death, deserved.
[8:33] [Raid] [Melisandre]: congrats death!!
[8:33] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: If you ask me, Mikel deserves it for that desperation bid. He hardly has any DKP as is.
[8:33] [Raid] [Camdaheat]: that’ll help with farming, no doubt, grats Deathp
[8:33] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: All right ill get them setup on vent.
[8:33] [Raid] [Deathp]: Anybody else need a buff?
[8:33] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: where can we stand not to start it?
[8:33] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: man not sure if im looking forward to the guildbreaker or dreading this shit
[8:33] [Raid] [Perseus]: HEre ham
[8:33] [Raid] [Larr]: This way, Ham.
[8:33] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: well only have 3 tanks for pulls tonight but it should be good enough for practice
[8:33] [Kildare] whispers: Hey, is Jake driving to lunch tomorrow?
[8:33] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Okay all, we are going to set up for Vael now. It’s the first time but we dont want to waste any attempts, listen to Sybe and dera theyll run through the basics.
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:33] To [Kildare]: I think so. You did last time.
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:33] [Raid] [Foxglove]: a little bit farther back, everybody.
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:34] [Kildare] whispers: All right. Sounds good. How do you feel about Vael?
[8:33] [Raid] [Incine]: ooo i see it now
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:33] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:34] To [Kildare]: Not sure the DPS will have the chops. Lots of classes aren’t so good on this one. It’ll take time.
[8:34] [Kildare] whispers: We’ll get it.
[8:34] [Raid] [Brother]: They can hear Sybe eating from the space station, I think. :P
[8:34] [Raid] [Fallson]: LOL BROTHER i can taste it
[8:34] [Raid] [You]: Listen up for the basics folks.
[8:35] [Kamonisaac] whispers: all right back on vent dude
[8:35] To [Kamonisaac]: Okay
[8:35] [Raid] [Emilbus]: we have enough tanks?
[8:36] [Raid] [Larr]: Ehhh, kinda.
[8:36] [Raid] [Derangan]: for tonight yes
[8:36] [Raid] [Shandry]: Yes, but shouldn’t we assign the healers per group?
[8:36] [Raid] [Brother]: Lets just do same MT-OT groups like for majordomo
[8:36] [Raid] [Deathp]: i like what Sybe suggested, makes sense to split in half
[8:37] [Officer Chat] [You]: We should make the DNT video mandatory, ha.
[8:37] [Raid] [Socrates]: brb quick AFK
[8:37] [Raid] [Foxglove]: I think Sybes will work fine, lets try it to start
[8:38] [Kamonisaac] whispers: think we got this tonight lol
[8:38] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: mayyybe we should slow down a bit on explainers? at least the questions are good lol
[8:38] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: expect a real shit show tonight but at least we can see how tanks do
[8:38] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: im sure aga has them pre prepped...
[8:38] To [Kamonisaac]: OH YEAH lol
[8:38] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Well, I’ll try re-posting the best DT link on the forums again tonight. Mention it at the end of the raid, perhaps?
[8:38] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Ok lets cover tank rotation next. listen up
[8:38] To [Kamonisaac]: we’ll be fine to start anyway
[8:38] [Raid] [Shandry]: OOooo I read some good stuff about this :))
[8:38] [Raid] [Vos]: really shouldn’t be TOO bad if everybody has a threat meter up.
[8:38] [Raid] [Nimrod]: It will be necessary for the tanks at least, dps just need to be a bit careful
[8:38] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Always :)
[8:38] [Raid] [Perseus]: can you install that off of curse or something? I could grab it after the raid
[8:39] [Raid] [Larr]: Yes, it’s available there. Same as DPS charts which everybody should really get. It helps if everybody installs them.
[8:39] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: damn, some people still dont have threat or dps meters?
[8:39] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: We could require them...somehow?
[8:40] To [Larr]: By the way, have you had any issues with synching yours?
[8:40] [Kildare] whispers: Where on Curse can I find that addon?
[8:40] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: worry about it later. i wanna get real pulls in tonight
[8:40] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: dunno how we would do that, but I can put something up on the forums again.
[8:40] [Larr] whispers: Just a few. Razorgore seemed fine though in phase 2. We can check after a few attempts here.
[8:40] [Raid] [Deathp]: back right corner?
[8:40] To [Larr]: Sounds good.
[8:41] [Raid] [You]: Sounds good.
[8:41] To [Kildare]: If you search for “DPS meter” it should come up almost first search.
[8:41] [Raid] [Sybe]: all right we covered almost everything for first pulls. final questions?
[8:41] [Raid] [Nimrod]: I will ping the burning location
[8:41] [Raid] [You]: Sounds good.
Nimrod pinged the map.
Nimrod pinged the map.
Nimrod pinged the map.
[8:41] [Kildare] whispers: Thanks.
[8:41] [Raid] [Mikel]: got it. death pile back there, lol
[8:41] [Raid] [Artenemiss]: We used to put the pile in opposite corner but this will work I think.
[8:41] [Raid] [Perseus]: Ready, Vael?!
[8:41] [Raid] [Sybe]: aga will head in first to start first pull
Blackwing Technician yells: Run! They are coming!
[8:42] [Raid] [Deathp]: ooo he looks casual lol
[8:42] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Almost kinda peaceful :)
[8:42] [Raid] [Taggart]: Wonder what he’ll look like when he’s stabbing us >.<
[8:42] [Kildare] says: I wonder if I could just...
[8:42] [Fallson] says: dont go up there KILDARE LOL you might piss him off
[8:42] [Raid] [Sybe]: all right people focius lets figure some things out tonight
[8:42] [Kildare] says: Hah! Here we go!
[8:42] [Raid] [Taggart]: Wonder what he’ll look like when he’s stabbing us >.<
[8:43] [Kamonisaac] says: those are your nuts on his head now lol
[8:43] [Brother] says: kinda poetic, if you ask me :O
Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Ahh, the heroes. You are persistent, aren’t you? Your ally here attempted to match his power against mine – and paid the price. Now he shall serve me...by slaughtering you.
[8:43] [Raid] [Nimrod]: remember you want to go to the back right corner when you are on fire ha
[8:43] [Kamonisaac] says: im gonna take a few pictures kildare dont move
[8:43] [Artenemiss] says: gimme a second I bet I could dance up there
[8:43] [You] say: Oh the dancing now...this is nice...haha
Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Get up, little red wyrm...and destroy them!
[8:43] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: keep an eye out on vos switching. honestly i think we can get pretty far tonight.
[8:43] [Fallson] says: damn guys you really gonna do him like that LOL hes gonna be pissed later
[8:43] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: duno if he’ll be geared but yeah lets see how it goes.
[8:43] [Foxglove] says: Wait stay still I want to take another picture
[8:43] [Hamsandwich] says: this will get us the win lol
[8:43] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Only time will tell, Aga.
[8:43] [Doncalzone] says: haha falk dont stop jumping
[8:43] [Officer Chat] [You]: Sybe you doing all the call outs yes?
[8:43] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Melee come by me. This will be the best spot.
[8:44] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: ya
[8:44] [Raid] [Mikel]: K
[8:44] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: yes destro we got it
[8:44] [Kamonisaac] says: well guys ive gotta say this has been a more romantic start than i thought lol
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt yells: Too late, friends! Nefarius’ corruption has taken hold...I cannot...control myself.
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:44] [Fallson] says: blizz puts the first human raid boss in and its a black dude like LOL BLIZZ FUCK
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:44] [Brother] says: lawl
[8:44] [Vos] says: >< gee gee falk
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt yells: I beg you, mortals – FLEE! Flee before I lose all sense of control! The black fire rages within my heart! I MUST...release it!
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:44] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:45] [Raid] [Sybe]: aga is first then pers then vos, healers make sure you know your groups and focus people
[8:45] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[8:45] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt yells: FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! Cower, mortals, before the wrath of Lord...NO – I MUST fight this! Alexstrasza help me, I MUST fight it!
Melchentiah pinged the map.
Melchentiah pinged the map.
[11:55] [Melchentiah] whispers: MOVE TO THE PING
[11:55] [Raid] [Derangan]: SMALL TENTS IN 5
[11:55] [Raid] [Derangan]: SMALL TENTS IN 5
[11:55] [Raid] [Vos]: group 5 move over
[11:56] To [Melchentiah]: I did move. I’m there.
[11:56] [Melchentiah] whispers: Gotta be faster.
[11:56] [Raid] [Sybe]: double check your tent assignment groups
[11:56] [Raid] [Foxglove]: melee check your distances be careful
[11:56] [Raid] [Derangan]: !!! DARK GLARE IN 5 !!!
[11:56] [Raid] [Derangan]: !!! DARK GLARE IN 5 !!!
[11:56] To [Melchentiah]: ??? didn’t even chain
[11:57] [Raid] [Destromath]: 7 and 8 make sure to silence immediately
[11:57] [Melchentiah] whispers: Almost chained on me. Be faster.
[11:57] To [Melchentiah]: K
[11:57] [Raid] [Foxglove]: seriously wheres the silence on the back?
[11:57] [Raid] [Larr]: That’ll do it.
[11:57] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: fuck
[11:57] [Raid] [Shandry]: Ah! Closer!
You have died.
[11:57] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: couldnt see groups but that was bad.
[11:57] [Raid] [Vos]: melee spacing got better, at least.
[11:57] [Raid] [Kildare]: Well, shit.
[11:57] [Raid] [Sybe]: honestly not our worst but fuck people double check your silence and stun assignments while running back.
[11:57] [Raid] [Sybe]: and NO AFK ON THE RUN BACK. takes long enough FFS
[11:57] [Officer Chat] [You]: Man this new guy will not fucking leave me alone. What is his deal? Whispers on EVERY PULL
[11:57] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Well, we recruited him because his guild already killed C’thun. And he’s only our third warlock. So I’d say he’s been more helpful than not.
[11:57] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Vos, I agree that the spacing seemed better. We did have some issues on the rotation, though. Some people are too slow.
[11:57] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Hunters, use aspect. Don’t forget about that.
[11:57] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: yeah he seems allright to me too
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: a bit talkative, but oh well
[11:57] [Raid] [Larr]: Yes
[11:57] [Raid] [Deathp]: I feel like this is the one. when i get my axe lol
[11:57] [Raid] [Aga]: lol
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: review the rotation and tanking corners while im AFK here
[11:58] [Raid] [Fallson]: lawl deathp in your dreams. untamed isnt even for you hmmm? lol
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: was 3 out of position on that last pull? seemed like it
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: he is hella annoying on vent but mannn we need him lol
[11:58] [Raid] [Tzu]: WTB teleporter back for pulls.
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [You]: I know but at what cost.
[11:58] [Raid] [Perseus]: this does take way too long. goddamn
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: Not that I could tell.
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: looked a little tight to me too. ill message ham
[11:58] [Mikel] yells: i love running back
[11:58] [Mikel] yells: this is SOOO FUNNNNN
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: hey does shand need her infusion assigned?
[11:58] [Kamonisaac] yells: WHY ARE WE YELLING
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Yes, most definitely assign it. Probably to Kildare or another mage who doesn’t already get one.
[11:58] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: K
[11:58] To [Kamonisaac]: Brick, you killed a man.
[11:58] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Aww Destro I wanted a blue one :(
[11:58] [Raid] [Shandry]: Anybody need mana pots for this pull? I have plenty.
[11:58] To [Fallson]: Man, Mel is annoying right? keeps saying im out of position. The WORST
[11:58] [Raid] [You]: I’d trade ya for a green. :D
[11:58] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Hehe not fair ><
[11:58] [Fallson] whispers: LOL i get the feeling he just likes hearing his own thoughts outloud
[11:59] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Doesn’t she have well, too? Assign that. Give her a time and place to use it.
[11:59] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: seems like our pie slices are getting better and better
[11:59] [Raid] [Aga]: They looked better that pull for sure
[11:59] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Yes, but we need some small improvements :O
[11:59] [Raid] [Nimrod]: Better definitely!
[11:59] To [Fallson]: Seriously we gotta talk to him or something.
[11:59] To [Fallson]: We should do something about him.
[11:59] [Raid] [Derangan]: yes but ill still review them before next pull
[11:59] To [Hyerc]: Can’t you try talking to Mel at least? He whispers me after almost every pull for no reason.
[11:59] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: kk
[11:59] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: destroooo you pullin again?
[11:59] [Fallson] whispers: well im new here so im gonna leave it up to ol boss man LOL or somebody else
[11:59] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Doesn’t she have well, too? Assign that. Or at least give her a time and place to use it.
[11:59] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: I could also do it in case Destro doesn’t want to. Brought all my nature gear.
[11:59] [Raid] [Deathp]: I feel like this is the one. when i get my axe lol
[11:59] [Raid] [Aga]: lol
[11:59] [Hyerc] whispers: Look, you know we need another blood pact for phase 2 tanking. He’s only the third lock we have. What do you want us to do?
[11:59] [Hunter Chat] [You]: You want to? I don’t mind doing it again. Ill let you decide.
[11:59] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: Dera you gonna run through assignments before next pull?
[11:59] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Almost made it to the stairs on the last pull, hah :P
[11:59] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: ax is hunter weapon IMHO
[11:59] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: yeahp sure will
[11:59] To [Hyerc]: Talk to him?
[11:59] [Raid] [Vos]: lawl hunters
[11:59] [Raid] [Fallson]: ham you crazy sob lolol
[12:00] [Hyerc] whispers: After the raid, maybe. It hardly seems worth it ATM. We need him. Just deal with it Destro. It isn’t such a big deal. Ignore him, if you must.
[12:00] [Raid] [Tzu]: We all know hunters should be dual wieldin
[12:00] [Raid] [Tzu]: 4 dat melee dpppsssss
[12:00] [Raid] [Artenemiss]: hasn’t let me down so far :)
[12:00] To [Fallson]: but you’ll back me up on this right?
[12:00] [Raid] [Larr]: The spear from Fankriss is one of the best in slot, no?
[12:00] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: ya
[12:00] [Raid] [You]: Yeahp.
[12:00] [Fallson] whispers: wouldnt say quite that lol lets get through this bastard first. hes taken months off my life LOL
[12:00] [Raid] [You]: and it looks damn silly, hah.
[12:00] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: all right back. dera you gonna prep everybody on vent soon?
[12:00] [Camdaheat] whispers: Could I try pulling? I haven’t in awhile.
[12:00] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: in a minute or so. not everybody is back yet.
[12:00] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: k
[12:00] [Raid] [Brother]: Hmm my following doesnt seem to have paid off ha
[12:00] [Raid] [Foxglove]: That’s what you get! Hehehe
[12:00] To [Camdaheat]: Yeah of course man go for it. I’ll tell Sybe.
[12:01] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: dera feel free to start whenever. review all the position assignments on vent please
[12:01] [Officer Chat] [You]: Hey I’m gonna let Cam do this pull. He hasn’t in awhile.
[12:01] [Raid] [Derangan]: allr ight people listen on vent we are gonna review assignments and positions
[12:01] [Camdaheat] whispers: Great!
[12:01] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[12:01] [Raid] [Derangan]: *LISTEN TO VENT FOR PHAT STRATS
[12:01] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: nah destro you do it again.
[12:01] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Derangan, don’t forget to mention movement BEFORE dark glare begins. Lost at least 2-3 to that last time.
[12:01] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: kk
[12:01] To [Sybe]: Sure cam can’t pull it? He’s done it before.
[12:01] [Raid] [Brother]: Wait aren’t I on group 7 tent?
[12:01] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Ya you are with me.
[12:01] [Raid] [Larr]: Yes, with Fox.
[12:01] [Raid] [Brother]: Okay.
[12:02] [Raid] [Hyerc]: And, to clarify: you should move a few seconds BEFORE dark glare begins. Please.
[12:02] [Sybe] whispers: you do it.
[12:02] To [Sybe]: All right.
[12:02] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Hunters, please remember to use pack on dark glare. No risk because tents are down.
[12:02] To [Camdaheat]: Sybe wants me to do it tonight. You’ll get next time. Sorry.
[12:03] [Raid] [You]: Yeah, we’ve got it.
[12:03] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: shand and others have been assigned. should be all clear.
[12:03] [Raid] [Sybe]: all right folks i fyou have questions ASK NOW. we can get phase 2 tonight for sure.
[12:04] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: nah destro you do it again. youve been doing great at it anyway.
[12:04] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: that guy is fucking annying
[12:04] [Raid] [Deathp]: None here bossman
[12:04] [Hunter Chat] [Artenemiss]: He had good ideas about rotations. And I did forget what pack did...haha.
[12:04] [Camdaheat] whispers: NP
[12:04] [Raid] [Sybe]: destro pulls in 1 minute. finish buffs on groups.
[12:05] [Raid] [Kildare]: Group 2 needs Aspect.
[12:05] [Raid] [Derangan]: ya and give fort to group 1, pls.
[12:05] [Raid] [Aga]: be careful kamon. jump out and everybody will be pissed.
[12:05] [Raid] [Kamonisaac]: But you are alllrreeadddy dead!
[12:05] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Seriously?
[12:05] [Raid] [Sybe]: WHAT THE FUCK
[12:05] [Raid] [Fura]: Come on man
You have died.
[12:05] [Raid] [Tzu]: llllllloollllllll
[12:05] To [Kamonisaac]: Dude what the fuck
[12:05] [Raid] [Artenemiss]: God damn you Kamon
[12:05] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: That’s just childish. Come on.
[12:05] [Raid] [Fallson]: kamon you fucking goon
[12:05] [Raid] [Toeofthor]: FFS
[12:05] [Raid] [Leeroy]: GG man GG
[12:05] [Raid] [Mags]: well this sucks
[12:05] [Raid] [Hamsandwich]: fucckckckckckkckckc
[12:05] [Raid] [Brother]: Why? Why?
[12:05] [Raid] [Melisandre]: Please god don’t use soulstones.
[12:05] [Raid] [Terroot]: Le SIgh.
[12:05] [Raid] [Mikel]: Fucking whyyy
[12:05] [Raid] [Vos]: you are just the worst.
[12:05] [Kamonisaac] whispers: hey honest mistake I was just auto running when I typed.
[12:05] [Officer Chat] [Hyerc]: Every other alliance character is a paladin. Why do we keep him around, again?
[12:05] [Raid] [Shandry]: So glad I didn’t use consumables yet asshole.
[12:05] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: because fucking destro knows him in history class or some other bullshit.
[12:05] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: destro what the FUCK
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [Aga]: he hasn’t played seriously in months.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [You]: He says it was an honest mistake. Running while typing.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [Derangan]: it doesnt matter really. hes always fucking around like that.
[12:06] [Raid] [Larr]: WTB my time back.
[12:06] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Seriously inconsiderate.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [Nimrod]: We have to talk to him after the raid.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [You]: I agree. But he’s a good healer.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [Sybe]: we will debate this later. hes gone for now. tell him to fuck off.
[12:06] [Kamonisaac] has left the raid group.
[12:06] To [Kamonisaac]: well they’re super pissed anyway. Goddamn man. that was stupid.
[12:06] [Raid] [Shandry]: Ah, so we can actually try now?
[12:06] [Kamonisaac] whispers: come on what the hell man?
[12:06] To [Kamonisaac]: They are gonna boot you from the raid.
[12:06] [Raid] [Derangan]: just focus people and just get back.
[12:06] [Raid] [Camdaheat]: Gotta go quick AFK. Following you brother.
[12:06] To [Kamonisaac]: Well what do you want them to do? that was funny like three weeks ago man. Weve been at this for awhile.
[12:06] [Kamonisaac] whispers: it was just a fucking accident
[12:06] [Raid] [Nimrod]: It’s fine people. Just get back.
[12:06] [Officer Chat] [Fallson]: we can reset quick well be allright
[12:07] [Kildare] whispers: What do you think will happen to Jake?
[12:07] [Kamonisaac] whispers: just talk to them
[12:07] [Kamonisaac] whispers: this is so fucking stupid
[12:07] To [Nimrod]: We really can’t let him stay? It was a mistake.
[12:07] [Raid] [Mikel]: I feel like huhu’s room is oddly beautiful when we arent murdering in there lol
[12:07] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: I always felt the same about Twin Emp’s room. Really “Egyptian,” heh.
[12:07] [Nimrod] whispers: It isn’t the first time. Let’s deal with it after the raid.
[12:07] To [Nimrod]: Can we at least talk to him about it first? Like a DKP minus or something?
[12:07] [Raid] [Vos]: itd all be a lot prettier if it were smaller
[12:07] [Nimrod] whispers: Leave it alone and let’s talk after the raid. Cybe is furious man.
[12:08] To [Nimrod]: All right.
[12:08] To [Kamonisaac]: Theyre serious now
[12:08] To [Kamonisaac]: Just chill for a little while and let’s talk after.
[12:08] [Kamonisaac] has left the guild.
[8:27] [Raid] [Nimrod]: DANCE DANCE DANCE IN 5
[8:27] [Raid] [Nimrod]: DANCE DANCE DANCE IN 5
[8:27] [Raid] [Nimrod]: DANCE DANCE DANCE IN 5
[8:27] [Raid] [Matteo]: lag?
You have died.
[8:27] [Raid] [Shandry]: Uggh, lag :(
[8:27] [Raid] [Derangan]: fuck this server some days
[8:27] [Raid] [Vos]: damn
[8:27] [Raid] [Kildare]: Better. Better.
[8:28] [Raid] [Kat]: aw ffs that was a good run too. :(((((((
[8:28] [Raid] [You]: Still, much better.
[8:28] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: All right, get back quickly people. We want a chance to try Lawltheb tonight.
[8:28] [Raid] [Derangan]: ya
[8:28] [Raid] [Derangan]: and make sure if you are in tunnels to get back before phase 2
[8:28] [Raid] [Foxglove]: I still have a hard time with the far side cracks.
[8:28] [Raid] [Brother]: Anybody have major healing pots? I forgot mine.
[8:28] [Raid] [Foxglove]: Harder to see the pattern for some reason.
[8:28] [Raid] [Larr]: Follow the pack :)
[8:28] [Raid] [Aga]: I have a few you could have
[8:28] [Raid] [Fallson]: take some of mine brother ive got plenty
[8:28] [Raid] [Larr]: Brother you’re gonna need a lot more if we make it to loatheb tonight.
[8:29] [Raid] [Deathp]: anybody know if loatheb drops pants?
[8:29] [Raid] [Sybe]: all right folks get back quickly so we can move on. listen to dera on vent.
[8:29] To [Kildare]: That was better huh?
[8:29] [Raid] [Mewful]: Yeah
[8:29] [Raid] [Terroot]: ya he does
[8:29] [Raid] [Camdaheat]: Yes, he has pants.
[8:29] [Kildare] whispers: Yeahp.
[8:29] [Hunter Chat] [You]: You guys read up on Loatheb yet? Sounds like a nasty DPS check. Like worse Patchwerk.
[8:29] [Raid] [Deathp]: cool cool. gotta watch that video between pulls here, lol.
[8:29] [Hunter Chat] [Artenemiss]: I saw the video Hyerc posted. Mel did a pretty good write up on it too.
[8:29] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Seems like mages are preferred for scorch rotations. We might have to sub out.
[8:29] [Raid] [Sundr]: Will we use one tank for that fight?
[8:29] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: think so?
[8:30] [Raid] [Derangan]: yea we’ll have to sub but don’t worry about that now
[8:30] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: If we do I’ll let you guys know. Wouldn’t worry about it yet.
[8:30] [Raid] [Sundr]: Right.
[8:30] [Raid] [Sybe]: guys lets worry about loatheb when we get to him.
[8:30] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: kk
[8:30] To [Fallson]: Think we’ll swap any hunters out for loatheb?
[8:31] [Fallson] whispers: dunno man maybe just trying not to get caught standing still here lool
[8:31] [Raid] [Geo]: anybody else getting weird feedback from vent?
[8:31] [Raid] [Shandry]: Not me.
[8:31] [Raid] [Emilbus]: yeah a bit of weird static sound.
[8:31] [Raid] [Larr]: Hmm, haven’t heard anything.
[8:31] [Raid] [Anuboreth]: ya i hear it too
[8:31] To [Fallson]: All right.
[8:31] [Raid] [Geo]: gonna try logging out and in quick afk
[8:32] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Anybody get tunnel last time? Couldn’t buy a crit in there.
[8:32] [Raid] [Sybe]: all right people get buffed. we are going in a few.
[8:32] [Raid] [Shandry]: Anybody need fort?
[8:32] [Raid] [Geo]: gonna try logging out and in quick afk
[8:32] [Hunter Chat] [Hamsandwich]: nah not me
[8:32] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Quick reminder: if you get caught in tunnel and you have ANY DOTS, leave them on while running out.
[8:32] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Anything helps.
[8:32] [Hunter Chat] [Camdaheat]: Yeah, just remember to leave a serpent down on each tent if you can.
[8:32] [Hunter Chat] [You]: Right.
[8:32] To [Hamsandwich]: no shit, lol
[8:33] [Raid] [Melchentiah]: Anybody have final questions? Ask here or on vent.
[8:33] [Hamsandwich] whispers: lol
[8:33] [Hyerc] whispers: A quick heads up – we are gonna swap you for Don if we beat Heigan tonight. Need another mage for Loatheb.
[8:33] [Raid] [Sybe]: aga count it down. pull when ready.
[8:33] [Raid] [Aga]: Heigan incoming in 5
[8:33] [Raid] [Aga]: 4
[8:33] [Raid] [Aga]: 3
[8:33] To [Hyerc]: Seriously?
[8:33] [Raid] [Aga]: 2
[8:33] [Raid] [Aga]: 1