writing + design, by two brothers

You already know the plot of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree, but I’m going to recount it anyway. A young boy plays on a tree in his backyard, and then he grows up. He continues to use the tree: for profit, for shelter, for recreation. Finally, the boy becomes an elderly man. And he uses the tree one last time: for sitting.

We believe that there are few things in this world worth holding as universal truths, though The Giving Tree may reveal a few. One of them, albeit metaphorical, seems straightforward enough: sometimes you are the boy, and sometimes you are the stump. If you believe this reading to be insightful, then we probably have something for you. Or if you find that interpretation rather shallow and undeveloped, we've probably got you covered, too.

Welcome to The Stumped. Have a seat, and stay awhile.


Travis Wood is...

A former teacher, writing and recovering in North Carolina. He writes for The Stumped, though he believes that writing is largely pointless, as George Saunders is already doing it. He loves beer dearly and maintains no opinions about coffee.


Ryan Wood is...

A graphic designer, creating and lounging in Los Angeles. He does almost all of the artwork for The Stumped, and owns zero crypto-currency. Were it not for coffee, he would maintain no opinions whatsoever.


And if you're on the "Internet"...

Go ahead and see what we're talking about on Twitter and Instagram below.